Saturday, June 30, 2012

Up early for my Saturday sunrise run, got to the parking lot before 6:00. Sun just peeking over the trees & buildings, fishermen putting in their boats, pelicans after their bait, it’s good to be up so early. Nice temp this morning, mid 70’s, slight breeze. Knocked out 5 miles before the sun was up good. Seeing a lot of dolphins lately, I see the small fish jumping first, a flash of silver out the corner of my eye, then I’ll see the dolphins that are chasing them.

Been thinking lately of trying to do a full marathon. I like the half, it’s a good distance, long enough to be serious but not so long as to be obsessive. The Jazz half in New Orleans is my favorite & not just because it’s near my birthday. It’s just a really fun party & being so near Halloween, lots of runners are costumed & being it’s in New Orleans, lots of the costumes are . . . interesting. Anyway, the Rock n Roll Marathon is in New Orleans in February, I may try to do it.

Have a lovely day!


  1. Hey Greg - Saw your post about your blog over on the forums at Daily Mile. I added your blog to my reader. Good stuff. I just got into blogging myself.


    1. thanks, I'll be checking out your blog as well.
